Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Days Seventeen and Eighteen: Paper and Presentation

The moment had arrived -- the moment that we would each be expected to submit an 8-12 page paper and a group presentation documenting our research over the Interim period.  When I first received the assignment, it really didn't seem that daunting or challenging.  I served as an intern to the Department of Energy over the summer, which required a 5000-word professional publication with at least fifteen references and a 10-minute presentation in front of the entire program.  After that experience, I was confident that I could tackle any project thrown my way in record time.

Which is why I procrastinated until the night before to start my research paper.  Bad idea.

The issue was not writing the paper.  I easily reached the 8-12 page minimum a few hours after I started.  The problem was getting all my information into the paper, along with appropriate images and citations.  That process took me most of the next day.

It resulted in 19 pages, excluding the title page and references.  Yeah.  Over-achiever.  But it was a really good paper.

The presentation process lasted only about half the time, which was fortunate.  I am now running through my presentation notes so that I can provide good information to my audience tomorrow morning.

Maybe I'll post a link to my paper and presentation later.

Wish me luck!

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